Fiore delle mille e una notte, Il

She will give the best massages
you have ever had

...head massages to bring
sweet sleep...

leg massages to make you
skip like a goat

As the poet says...
She is worth more than wise men.
She tends to the heads of kings

-Five hundred dinars
-Six hundred

Seven hundred
You hear Lady of Moons?
Seven hundred

-Shall he own you?
-I don't want a monkey-beard

I'll buy her. Eight hundred
You've only one eye. You must be bad
and God's punished you

How dare you insult me!
You dare to let her do that?
I can't help it. Her owner has given
her the right to choose her buyer

A thousand dinars
Will you accept this old man
as your owner, Zumarud?

Your candle is soft. It rises when
you sleep, falls when you rise

May the Lord have mercy on the
woman who lies with you

How dare you bring a slave here
who ridicules us so brazenly...

I beg your forgiveness
I won't be sold to anyone..
...but that young man
He won't have enough money
You've decided?
Yes. He has smooth cheeks,
and his beauty enchants me

Come on, buy this slave.
She has chosen you

She's yours
