Hearts and Minds

* Till we bring it down
in their own hometown *

* For this time we are out to finish *
* The job we started then *
* Clean it up for all times
this time *

* So we won't have to do it again **
Our vision of progress
is not limited to our own country.

We extend it
to all the peoples of the world.

[Newsreel Narrator]
Military action in Indochina.

French regulars land along the coast
in search of roving communist bands.

For France, it represents
a tremendous sacrifice...

of manpower and financial resources.
Without American help,
the burden would be too great.

I do not expect that there is going
to be a communist victory in Indochina.

[Speaking French]
I affirm that Secretary Dulles...
offered me two atomic bombs.
Two, uh...
Neither one, neither three.

If Indochina goes,
several things happen right away.
