Hearts and Minds

And that's what it's like to be
when you become a prisoner,

a prisoner of war.

Because the thing that got us through
were the things we learned...

before we were ten years old.
I"d like to open up
to questions now.

Just raise your hand or yell it out
and you can ask any question you want.

and I"ll do the best I can
to answer them.

How did you feel when
the Vietnam war was over?

How did I feel
when the war was over?

I felt real good.
Real good.

It was a long war
and a very difficult war to understand.

But the reason we went there
was to win this war.

I volunteered to go.
I'd go again if I had to.

And we wanted to win.
That was our number one ambition.

That's what we really wanted,
was to win this war.

And it took us a long time.
So when we knew that we had won,

we felt great;
we really felt great.

- What did Vietnam look like?
- What did Vietnam look like.

Well, if it wasn"t for the people,
it was very pretty.

Uh, the people over there
are very backward and very primitive.

And they just make a mess
out of everything.

How did you--
How did you, um--

What do you feel about
the people that, um,

went and burned their draft cards
and went into Canada?

We don't agree with them.
I think these people were legally wrong.

I think sometimes they were cowards.
If they wanted to leave
and go to Canada, that's okay.

But they can"t come back, though,
because they have disagreed.

They say, "We don"t like your country,
we don"t like your people. "

They're saying that
to you and me.

"I don't like you, so I'm leaving.''
Well, fine, that's okay. There's
no reason to hate a guy for that.

'Cause that's also his right,
but he can't come back.

Instead of helping and aiding
the Vietnamese people,

I saw that we were party to their
deliberate and systematic destruction.

The Vietnamese were considered,
less than humans, inferiors.
