Herbie Rides Again

Uncle Alonzo,
I dropped by
to talk to you man to man,

so I could look you
squarely in the eye.

No, I am wearing make-up
because of a black eye.

A girl hit me in the face
with a boiled lobster

the moment I mentioned your name.
This same wonderful, intelligent,
clear-sighted girl

was able to convince me
what kind of a person you really are.

I do not hold with your cheating
Mrs.. Steinmetz out of her home

so that you may build
your concrete anthill

on the spot where
she has known so much happiness.

I think you are despicable,
greedy, grasping
and wholly without principle or pity.

I also believe
you are not a nice person.

If you write my mother,
who is also your sister Frieda,

do not tell her
that I wear make-up as a rule.

I am going back to Missouri,
so you may no longer use me
as a cat's paw.

I bid you farewell
more in sorrow than in anger.

Please do not send us
any more fruit for Christmas.

Goodbye, Grandma!
Hi, everybody.
