Mr. Majestyk

- Suppose he doesn't want to do that?
- I said tell him, not ask him!

Then we get a couple of our people.
You find him, you call me...
I come up...
I'll have a talk with him, and it's done.
Frank, there's a dozen guys who'd do it,
guys who the cops aren't waiting to bust.

I said I want him!
Hey, I never killed anybody
for free before, see?

But this one,
I'm doing as a special favor to myself!

And that's before I go to Mazatlan,
or lie on any beach.

Am I getting through to you?
- You got anything more on Majestyk?
- No, not much.

High school education,
truck driver, farm laborer.

He was in the army three years.
A Ranger instructor at Fort Benning.
Was captured in Vietnam...
escaped with four enemy prisoners.
Got a Silver Star.
Man doesn't fool, does he?
I don't know. Let's find out.
Okay, Ben.
Have a seat.
I've been sitting for four days.
I guess another day won't matter.
When do I go to trial?
The guy you hit, Bobby Kopas...
dropped the charges.
- Why'd he do that?
- Said he thought it over.

Wasn't important enough
to waste a lot of time in court.

You think that's the reason?
Lieutenant, whatever the reason,
it's all right with me...

as long as I get back to my place.
Maybe you'd better stay here.
Now why would I do a dumb thing like that?
Because Frank Renda's
still walking around free.

Yeah, I know.
The eyeball witness who saw Renda
commit murder was a police officer.
