Murder on the Orient Express

And I was trying to collect oil
concessions, you know,

with so little success
that I went bankrupt,

and he offered me the job. I took it.
- And since then?
- Well, we've traveled around.

He was hampered
by not knowing any languages.

I acted more as his courier
than as his secretary.

It was a pleasant enough job.
What part of America
did Ratchett come from?

I don't know.
The fact is, he never talked
about his background.

- Why, do you think?
- Well, I used to...

Well, I began to believe
that he had left America

to escape something, you know.
Or someone. And until a couple
of weeks ago, I think he succeeded.

And then?
Well, he began to get these
anonymous letters,

threatening letters, like these.
"I kill killers."
"Prepare to die."
- How brief.
- But in a sense, how complicated.

Last night, I noticed you dispatching
a telegram from Belgrade Station.

That's right.
Let's see, he sent for me

to see the text
right after we left Belgrade.

And then he went...
Yeah, it was the last I ever saw of him.

Were there any other
threatening letters?

Yeah, but none that
I was allowed to read.

He used to... He used to burn them.
That explains...
My interest in hatboxes.
Precisely what I needed.
Doctor, first the wounds.
- You counted a dozen?
- Yes.

Five are deep,
of which three are lethal.

The rest are shallow.
And two...
...are so slight as to be
mere scratches.

What does that suggest?
That there were two murderers,
a strong man and a weak man?
