The Island at the Top of the World

What I don't understand is why Donald
took only one Eskimo with him.

Because only one
could be persuaded to go.

You see, they all knew
what he was looking for.

The mythical island
where the whales go to die.

One man's myth is another man's gospel,
Mr. Ivarsson.

Anyway, the Eskimos believe
the island exists.

They're frightened to death of it.
Say it's guarded by evil spirits.

- What about the Eskimo
who went with him?
- Aye. Oomiak's his name.

They call him the fearless one...
though he was far from fearless
when he come back.

- He came back?
- Oh, aye.

As a matter of fact,
that's him out there...

showin' the captain
how to fly his airship.

Fetch the fellow.
Call him in.

I'm afraid you won't get
anything out of him, sir.

- Call him in at once. Don't argue.
- Very well, sir.

Any man who goes off with my son
and then comes back alone...

I'll see that he talks, all right.
I think you'd better
let me handle him.

You've never dealt with Eskimos.
They have a sort of, uh,
diplomacy all their own.

Blast it, Ivarsson.
Anyone would think I had no tact.

Come along, Oomiak.
Ah, so there you are.
Now, what I want from you is an exact
account of everything that happened...

Sir Anthony,
this is the great Oomiak.

- Who knows Oomiak?
- Your fame has traveled far.

What fame?
Not even my dogs know me.

You were my son's guide.
What happened to him?

- Hello?
- This is the father of Donald Ross.

- We want to know about your...
- Tell us what happened when you
left here to find the island.

- Island.
- Don't try to play that game with me.

Oomiak, I think
you've seen this before.

This is the place
where the whales go to die.

It's the island Donald was looking for.
