The Island at the Top of the World

the Godi said that Donald was a spy...
who came here to
betray us to the enemy.

Well, surely you
don't believe that.

We don't, because we know Donald.
There were many
that did believe...

because there was
an omen in the sky.

A monster like a whale,
but bigger many times.

Oh, my dear girl,
that's easily explained.

What the people saw was my airship.
You see, it's like...

It... It's like one of your boats...
only it... it sails in the air.
Now, look, if I could
just talk to this, uh, Godi of yours,
I could explain everything.

We're to be taken before the council
at the temple. Erik's a member.

You'll get your chance
to be heard.

That girl. She speaks
better English than Oomiak.

- She's prettier too.
- If she learned it all from Donald...

he must have spent quite a lot of time
in her company.

Can you blame him?
I can't say I do, no.
This is like a...
an archaeologist's dream...

to go back in history and... and walk
the Earth as it was 10 centuries ago.

I suggest you forget the past...
and start thinking
about the future...

which, from the look of things,
I'd say is not very promising.
