The Missiles of October

The photo interpreters are standing by.
Who else is in on this?
Intelligence, Rusk and some
of his people, McNamara.

Maxwell Taylor?
And the Joint Chiefs.
We contacted him in Seattle
at his stepson's funeral.

He's flying back.
This must be kept
absolutely confidential.

Only personnel with an
absolute need to know

are to be told.
Yes, sir.
What the devil does Khrushchev
hope to accomplish.

I wonder if he's gone mad.
It could be a jab,
the punch will probably land on Berlin.
We'll have to step up our U-2 flights
over Cuba immediately.
I want daily reports at the least.
Get the Attorney General
for me right away.

Khrushchev's been promising for months
he wouldn't introduce offensive
weapons into Cuba, now this.

I can't trust him on the missiles.
We'll have to bomb the damn things out,
Mr. President.

We'll meet in the Cabinet Room at 11:45.
Inform Rusk, McNamara,
General Taylor, Dillon,

Sorensen, Kenny O'Donnell, George Ball,
you be there, get Thompson,
and I want Stevenson.

He's flying in from New York later today.
Thas fine.
Have Rusk brief Dean Acheson.
Hello, Bobby.
I want you to get over here
as fast as you possibly can.

We are facing great trouble.
Ill take us better part of the day
to analyze the films, sir.

We had to go over 1,000 frames.
This looks like a football field.
Yes, thas a shot of San Cristobal
taken six weeks ago taken
from an altitude of 14 miles.
