The Missiles of October

Thas fine Kenny.
Do you still think Cuba is
unimportant as a campaign issue?

Well, absolutely.
Is five weeks to the election.
The voters don't give a holler
about Cuba.

Every time Senators Keating and Capehart
does squawk about Cuba
threatening our security

they put everybody to sleep.
So, Cuba doesn't amount to much?
Not as a campaign issue, no sir.
I want you to take a look at these, Ken.
You're an old Air Force bombardier,
you should be able to tell
what they show.

I can't believe it.
You better believe it.
You've just elected Capehart in Indiana
and Ken Keating will probably be
the next president.

We're going to have to rearrange
the schedule.

There'll be a meeting in the
cabinet room at 11:45.

Get the authorized list from Bundy
then you must clamp down
the security lid.

Not a word to anyone else
including cabinet members,

National Security Council Members,
Secretaries or wives.
Should I cancel your schedule?
Absolutely not.
I'm going to keep my appointments
for as long as I can.

We're going to have to make it look like
there's absolutely nothing unusual
going on around here.

Bundy briefed me.
I think Dad should be flown home.
Is no time for him to be here.
I'll make arrangements.
Think we should add anyone to this list?
Presidential assistant,
Theodore Sorensen;

former ambassador to Moscow,
Llewelyn Thompson;

Assistant Secretary of State,
George Ball;

Secretary of State, Dean Rusk;
Secretary of the Treasury,
Douglas Dillon;

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
General Maxwell D. Taylor;
