The Missiles of October

He admitted that the Americans supported
invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs
was a mistake,

the result of his only recently
having taken power.

In other words,
the result of his inexperience.

He suggested that we should
stabilize the world order,

in order to avoid future conflict,
a proposal to which I said
I would never agree.

I was firm with Kennedy in Vienna,
as we had been firm in Berlin,
where our wall symbolizes
that determination.

We have been firm in resuming our
nuclear tests

and our rocket,
missiles and space program.

We have been firm in our support
of the just struggles

for national liberation against the
capitalist imperialist forces.

There's the story of a father who
in the cold of winter

was forced to move his cow
into the farmhouse with him.

The farmer didn't like
the cow in the house,

didn't like the smell, but in time,
in order to survive,

he grew used to it.
You ask how Kennedy will respond
when in a few weeks

we reveal the new situation in Cuba,
like the farmer he will grow used to it.
He will not like it,
but he will grow used to the smell
of Soviet rockets,

Soviet missiles, Soviet strength,
Soviet presence in Cuba.

What do you think, Bobby?
Well, I think there has to be
an alternative

between doing nothing and
launching a sneak attack.

I'm looking forward to hearing one.
And is surprising how inhibited
they still are around you.

Even McNamara and Bundy
are still inhibited

in the presidential presence.
What would you suggest?
Maybe you should remove yourself a while.
Let us meet informally
at the State Department,

George Ball's office,
where they'll be free
to speculate without you.

Yes, that could be useful.
I don't suppose you inhibit them?
Irritate, yes, inhibit, no.
Then irritate them.
I will.
But they have to reach agreement.
I understand.
But the question is, on what?
A policy that the broadest elements
in the government,

the bureaucracy, can support,
a consensus that won't tear

the country and this administration
to pieces,
