The Missiles of October

The great fight in 1962 is
the same fight we waged in 1960,

and must be waged in this decade.
And that is to provide
employment for our people,

education for our children,
and security for our older people.
But an air strike in and of itself
will not eliminate the threat in Cuba,
Mr. Acheson, it would have to be followed
by an invasion

to destroy any of those missile bases
we missed there.

And that would involve widespread
fighting and bombing,

and a horrendous toll to Cuban lives.
And that, Bobby,
regretfully is the nature of war,

even a defensive war.
Yes, and what will the Russians do?
Even if they pull away from the brake,
what will the civilized world think
of the United States

crushing a small country
in a brutal surprise attack.

Whatever the military outcome,
assaulting Cuba, in my view,

will do us irreparable diplomatic
and psychological harm.

No, gentlemen, we are not gonna have a
Pearl Harbor in reverse here.

My brother is not gonna be the Tojo
of the 1960s.

Mr. Attorney General,
your analogy with Pearl Harbor
is false and pejorative.

At Pearl Harbor, the Japanese
without provocation or warning

attacked our fleet thousands of miles
from Japanese shores.

In this situation,
the Soviet Union installed

lethal weapons 19 miles from our coast,
and they have done this 140 years
after the Proclamation of
the Monroe Doctrine.

I don't, dispute that, Mr. Acheson.
Moreover, within the last five months,
the Congress,

and even more recently
the President himself,

has reiterated our opposition
to the establishment

of offensive weapons in Cuba.
Now, how much warning must we give
to avoid the stigma
of Pearl Harbor in reverse?

I have come here to Yale,
to this center of learning,

and I've enjoyed your warm reception.
But you will learn,
as this country has learned,

that the Democratic Party is
best for you,

as it is best for the country.
