The Missiles of October

coincidentally scheduled for this month.
Code designation, Fillabriglegs 62.
Admiral Anderson?
Yes, sir.
The Navy will have more than 100 ships
in the maneuver,

including four attack carriers,
and we are also moving in the Enterprise.
General Schoop.
The task force will carry
and have the capability

to land 40,000 combat ready marines,
not including 4,000 in transit,
and in residence in Guantanamo.
The Army's 82nd and 101st Airborne
are being airlifted

to a total 100,000 men in Florida.
General LeMay.
Strategic air command bombers
are being deployed

from farther bases to make room
for tactical attack aircraft,

air defense facilities
are being stripped outside

the Cuban missile range,
and reinstalled in the southeast.

We have 14,000 reservists on standby
recall to fly air transport

in the event of an airborne invasion.
Now, the initial raid will consist of
500 sorties

striking at all missile sites,
military targets,

airfields, ports, and gun emplacements.
When will you be ready to launch
this air strike?

October 23rd.
Five days.
Yes, sir.
And how do you think the Russians
ill respond?

They won't.
Not at all?
No, sir.
Is that what you really think?
Are you trying to tell me
that they'll let us bomb their missiles,

kill a lot of Russians
and then do nothing?

If they don't move in Cuba, General,
they'll certainly do something in Berlin.
We're in a pretty bad fix, Mr. President.
You're in it with me.
