The Missiles of October

unless you want to undermine NATO.
Nevertheless, we can negotiate without
losing anything of significance.
Then, sir, what do you suggest
we give away next time?

I am hopeful that we'll live to see
a next time.

Gentlemen I agree that diplomatic
moves are essential,

but we're not going to negotiate
under the gun.

DeGaulle would be quick to say
that we were selling out

the Europeans to protect ourselves.
And the Russians would be tempted
to try blackmail again, elsewhere.
The issue isn't Guantanamo
or obsolete Jupiter bases,

the issue is missiles,
Russian missiles in Cuba,

and they must be removed
and they must be removed quickly.

We've worked day and night
to hammer out a consensus,

and Stevenson damn near blows it.
I wonder if he's really strong enough
or tough enough

to represent us at the UN.
I sometimes think Stevenson is the UN.
Maybe you should replace him
with someone like John McCloy,

a tough Republican.
I don't think that would be
prudent now, Bobby.

If we show any weakness now,
Khrushchev will march through
us like an open door.

Adlai showed courage.
He gave an argument
that needed to be given

and took the risk of being called
an appeaser.

He damn near pulled us off the track,
is what he did.

He wasn't wrong.
Thas not the point.
You said yourself,
we can't submit to Russian blackmail.

Nevertheless, foreign observers
will ask why we're entitled

to bases in Turkey pointing
missiles at Russia's belly.

Now, I admire what Stevenson did.
He told the truth, and he presented
the diplomatic point of view,

and thas his job.
His job is to implement your decisions.
It doesn't matter whether
we respect Adlai or admire him,

or whether or not he's even
telling the truth.

Right now, we need the support
of Republicans and
conservative Democrats alike,

who just don't trust his capacity
to stand up to the Russians.

Half the American people
think that Stevenson
should have been president.

Yes, and the other half think
Nixon should have been president.

You're not a Republican
or a conservative,

at least not the last time I looked.
Yes, well, McCloy is available,
