The Missiles of October

The American blockade against our country
is an act of war.
It is the use of force by a great power
against the independence of our home.
Also prohibited to Cuba are
any other class of material

hereafter designated by
the Secretary of Defense

for the purpose of effectuating
this proclamation.

We shall resist these illegal measures
of North American imperialism.
The reply of our people and
of our government

to the United States has been
general mobilization.

What did Castro hope to gain
by having his country

converted into a sitting duck
missile base?

Maybe the Russians didn't
give him any choice.

Or maybe he never knew
what they were planning.

This crisis has very little to do
with the Castro government.
The bases are Russian,
the technicians are Russian,

and the missiles are Russian.
This is between Khrushchev and myself.
The great danger here
is a miscalculation,

a mistake in judgement.
A few weeks ago I read
the Guns of August,

by Barbara Tuchman, have you read that?
In it she tells of
the staggering mistakes

that the Europeans made
that led up to World War I.

The Germans, the Austrians,
the Russians, the French

and the British all stumbled into war;
stupidities, personal idiosyncrasies,
misunderstandings, prejudices, complexes.
The First World War which
seemed so inevitable,

was just a stupid mistake.
Maybe thas true of most wars, all wars.
Someone asked the German Chancellor,
how the First World War got started,
and he said,

if we only knew.
I'd like to send a copy
of Tuckman's book to every officer

on every ship in our Navy right now,
not that they'd read it.
