The Missiles of October

Let me tell you that the stink of war
is stronger than ever.

And if you're gonna spend time arguing
over new conditions

there's gonna be a disaster for Cuba,
for the Soviet Union,

for the whole damn world.
I understand.
I will communicate your answer.
Thank you, and excuse me,
I have a great deal to do.

Dear Mr. President:
The time has come to rise above
petty passions and transient things.

If indeed war were to break out it would
not be in our power to stop it,

for such is the logic of war.
I have participated in two such wars
and I know that it ends only after
it has rolled through cities and villages
everywhere sowing death and destruction.
Mr. President, you are mistaken
to think of the missiles in Cuba

as offensive weapons.
As a military man,
you should understand that missiles,

like old-fashioned cannon
cannot be considered

defensive or offensive.
Be calm in this regard we are
of sound mind.

We understand that if we attack,
you will respond,

and you understand that
then you will receive

what you hurl against us.
We are normal people,
we correctly understand the situation.

Only lunatics or suicides who
themselves want to die
