The Missiles of October

It saves Khrushchev's face,
and it wins for the Soviet Union
the automatic support of all those
that think both sides are wrong,
and everyone should give up something.
That idea has all sorts of support,
even amongst our friends.
We could ask the Turkish government
to reject the demand on its own.
No, the issue is between the
Soviet Union and us,

is not about Turkey, is about Cuba.
But because my orders to get
those damned missiles out of Turkey

were ignored, we've given the Soviets
an open invitation to retaliate there
if we strike at Cuba.
And if they go after Turkey,
that involved NATO,

and thas war across the board.
Now we're vulnerable and
is our own damned fault.

Bob, how long will it take
to launch an air strike?

Forty-eight hours.
Thirty, if absolutely necessary.
Mr. President, I would rather sink
a Russian ship than bomb Cuba.

Thas some damned choice, Bob.
Mr. President.
All right, Kenny, all right.
Just to set the record straight,
when was the last time

I asked to have those missiles
removed from Turkey?

Not the first five times I asked,
just the last time.

I checked it out,
you ordered the Jupiters

removed the last week in August.
Over two months ago.
Yes, sir.
The Defense Department stall
because the Joint Chiefs objected,

the State Department stall
because the Turkish government objected?

Thas right, sir.
Defense was wrong, and State was wrong,
and the Joint Chiefs were wrong.
Yes, sir.
And I was wrong.
Mr. President, we need you.
Yes, Bobby.
Namara just got word, one of our U-2s was just shot do
by a Soviet surface to air missile
over Cuba.

Shot down?
The pilot?
