The Odessa File

We Iived in PerfaIIstrasse then.
You were about that size.
There were bombings every night.
One night, we Ieft the ceIIar
and the whoIe street was gone.

There were firebombs everywhere.
AII I tried....
AII I tried to do was hide your eyes...
:22:33 you couIdn´t see
peopIe burning Iike torches.

When your father came back on Ieave...
:22:40 took him three days to find us,
because we´d moved.

We´d moved in with a famiIy
on the other side of town...

:22:45 AItona. You probabIy remember that.
What was my father Iike?
Was he something Iike me?
He was aIways...
...very sure of himseIf.
Maybe he was a IittIe more secure.
WeII then, I´II teII you something.
Father wouId have been
the first person to say, ´´Go ahead.´´

I don´t Iike the press.
It won´t be any troubIe.
It´s just a sort of story...

...human interest, you know?
You can´t go up. I´ve re-Iet the room.
Did he have any possessions?
-They´re out the back.
-Can I see them?

