The Odessa File

It´s good to be back,
even if onIy for a few hours.

Greifer went too far tonight.
Very uncIever.
He´II get himseIf into difficuIties again.
Warn him.

Yes, Herr General.
-Take off your coat, Werner.
-Thank you.

-A smaII one, pIease.

-Nothing, thank you.

-Nothing. Ice?
-No, thank you.

What was that incident at the raIIy?
A young journaIist.
We know aII about him.

What did he want?
He´s been asking questions about Eduard...
...but he´s not getting anywhere.
-It´s being deaIt with.
-I hope so.

The onIy reason for my visit
is to protect this project.

-Sit down, gentIemen.
-Thank you.

The deadIine for Nasser´s rockets
has been brought forward...

:36:14 March 1.
It is essentiaI...
...that the teIeguidance system is finished
at Ieast six weeks before that date.

Rest assured, Herr General. It wiII be.
I had hoped Kennedy´s death
wouId give us more time...

...but it Iooks as though
President Johnson...

...wiII force the German arms deaI
with the Jews.

So we have three months
to keep our promise to Egypt...

...if the rockets of HeIwan are to fIy...
...against IsraeI.
You shouId have seen them.
The same oId mentaIity.

I thought it was over, but it stiII goes on.
-Have you toId the poIice?
-ToId them what?
