The Odessa File

About getting attacked.
Having your camera smashed.

They´d just say
I shouIdn´t have been at the raIIy.

They´d be right.
I´m sorry for the oId man,
but since you started this story...

:37:13´ve had nothing but troubIe.
Who cares?
I care!
I´m feeIing a responsibiIity.
ResponsibiIity for what?
Something new for me, huh?
Let´s forget it now.
Tomorrow I´II get up earIy.
We´II go Christmas shopping together.
Erik, Monika, and KarI.
-Anybody eIse?
-There´s stiII your mother.

-Yeah. Mother.
-I think we shouId´ve bought the earrings.

She´d never wear them.
She never wears anything that I buy her!

I shouId get her something
I couId use myseIf.

Okay, so we buy the earrings.
They´d suit you.

I´II get her another nightgown.
