The Parallax View

This is Gale, this is Shirley.
You met Red.

Now, where you from, son?
Your friend Austin Tucker's long gone.
Did he think that Bridges' drowning
wasn't an accident?

- I don't know. What do you think?
- That's the river, that's the dam.

Open that dam and that water
comes down like a wall.

If you're standing where Bridges was,
you're gonna drown.

Isn't there a warning system or does
the power company love a surprise?

They got sirens and bells and signs all
over the place and they got a watchman.

- There might be just something there.
- Where?

The watchman. Buster Hinton.
Nah! Hell, I've known Buster
for a long time.

I got no reason to doubt him.
No, go ahead.
This might not have
anything to do with anything,

but old Buster showed up
with a brand new shotgun.

- Maybe we ought to talk to him.
- I'd like to do it kinda casual.

He's up at the dam in the afternoons.
I'll take you to where it happened.

You could do some fishing.
- Come up with anything?
- Nothing but fish. You?

I've found out a couple of things, but...
Here, I've brought you some lunch.

You are aces with me.
Look at this! What did you find out?
- That's the warning, huh?
- Yeah, that's it.
