The Parallax View

- They don't wanna answer questions.
- You're damn right.

Sheriff LD Wicker and two deputies
were indicted three months ago

on a utilities scandal.
It was in every paper in the North-West.

He knew you were a reporter,
but it wasn't any national conspiracy
he was covering up.

Remember catching the state senator's
bagman and it was his nephew's bookie?

You're gonna make
a real horse's ass of yourself.

He didn't know I was a reporter. I didn't
tell him, I didn't give him my name.

- Did you register at a hotel?
- Yeah, under a phoney name.

Boy, you amaze me. You go expecting
these things to happen and they do.

Just advance me two weeks' salary.
- For what?
- I gotta find Austin Tucker.

If anybody knows about this, he does.
I won't advance you a dime.
I don't care if your self-serving ambition
gets you the Pulitzer prize.

I'm not gonna have
anything more to do with it.

- Joe...
- Can't help it.

I know.
Good shot. Good shot. You got a point.
Not bad, Riggsy.
- That's good. Hey, babe, you're all right.
- Winning, huh?

Winning? I'm beating the shit out of him.
I'm Schwartzkopf, this is Riggs.
Harry Nelson. The Psych department
gave those vocational tests to you?
