The Parallax View

You are here
for the official announcement

of the inquiry into the death
of Senator Charles Carroll.

This is not a press conference,
therefore there will be no questions.

A transcript of the investigation is being
prepared for publication on March 1 st.

At that time, the committee will hold
a full-scale press conference.

After four months of investigation,
followed by nine weeks of hearings,

it is the conclusion of this committee
that Senator Carroll was assassinated
by Thomas Richard Linder.

It is our further conclusion
that he acted entirely alone,

motivated by a misguided
sense of patriotism

and a psychotic desire
for public recognition.

The committee wishes to emphasise
that there is no evidence
of any wider conspiracy.

No evidence whatsoever.
It's our hope that this will put an end
to the kind of irresponsible speculation

conducted by the press
in recent months.

The complete text of the hearings,
which provides the basis
for these findings,

will be published March 1 st.
When you have
examined the evidence,

you will have every opportunity
to ask those questions which
remain unanswered, if there are any.

That is all. Thank you.
