The Parallax View

Nah! Hell, I've known Buster
for a long time.

I got no reason to doubt him.
No, go ahead.
This might not have
anything to do with anything,

but old Buster showed up
with a brand new shotgun.

- Maybe we ought to talk to him.
- I'd like to do it kinda casual.

He's up at the dam in the afternoons.
I'll take you to where it happened.

You could do some fishing.
- Come up with anything?
- Nothing but fish. You?

I've found out a couple of things, but...
Here, I've brought you some lunch.

You are aces with me.
Look at this! What did you find out?
- That's the warning, huh?
- Yeah, that's it.

Bridges couldn't hear that?
My mother could've heard it
and she's dead.

LD, what's the news
on your friend Buster?

Actually, there is no Buster.
