The Parallax View

Sorry, Bill, I didn't mean to scare you.
You're supposed to be dead.
Goddammit. You could have called me.

I was scared shitless
they'd think I was still alive.

- You mean nobody knows?
- Nobody but you.

- Hey, Bill, what's that?
- Tomorrow's lead.

I'm demanding a reopening
of the Carroll investigation.

- Who are you calling?
- The police, FBI, CIA, somebody.

Bill... don't do it.
You suggesting they're involved?
Or that they covered up?

There is a bureaucratic tendency
to cover up mistakes,

but I got no reason to think
any governmental agency was in on it.

Or if they were, that they knew it.
You don't have to infiltrate
the whole agency.

It's not only to do with
the Carroll assassination.
