The Taking of Pelham One Two Three

Eight minutes. We're not gonna make it.
- Inspector, where are they now, please?
- Centre Street, just north of Chambers.

That gives us seven minutes.
Not enough time, sir.

Even if they get to 28th Street on time,
we still gotta carry it down track on foot.

No way, sir.
(brakes screeching)
Look, we're scarin' the shit
outta everybody.

Yeah, includin' me.
Pelham One Two Three, this is Garber.
Come in, Pelham One Two Three.

Garber, this is Pelham One Two Three.
The money's en route, makin' pretty good
time too, but it won't get to you by 3.13.

I'm very sorry to hear that.
Suppose we get it to the entrance by then.
Will you change your deadline from
delivery to you to arrival at 28th Street?

Would you do that at least? Do you
read me, Pelham, for cryin' out loud?

All right, Garber.
But no more concessions.

- Is that quite clear?
- Quite clear. Quite clear.

They bought it. If we get the money
to the station by 3.13 we'll be OK.
