The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

I see things.
You see, they say it's just an old
man talking.

You laugh at an old man...
this thing that laughs
knows better.

Yes, they're sure. The man said the
Tallman's grave had been dug up.

Mama, don't worry.
I saw it myself!

It didn't look dug up to me.
What's that? What smell?
What is that stench?
Hey. That's the old slaughterhouse.
That's where Grandpa used...

to sell his cattle! We got an uncle
that works in one of those places...

outside of Fortworth. See those
buildings there? That's where...

they kill him. They bash'em in the
head with a big sledgehammer!

- That's awful.
- It usually wouldn't kill him.

It'd start squealing and freaking
out, they'd have to...

come up and bash'em 2 or 3 times.
They'd scatter them before
they were even dead.

That's horrible! People shouldn't
kill animals for food.

They don't do it like that anymore.
Now they get this big air gun...

that shoots a bullet into the skull
and then retracts it.

Franklin, I like me, please
change the subject.

That smell's still going on.
