Bite the Bullet

-What's yours?
-The same.

And if you don't win, which you won't...
...I’ll lend you the $2,000.
You can work it off in Kansas City.
Bang bang, you're in the chips.

At $20 a bang, out of which you get half,
that's one hell of a lot of banging.

It's a hell of a lot easier on your ass
than 700 miles in a saddle.

The money's for Steve.
He won't care how you got it.
-How many times you been married?
-Eleven. Ten without a preacher or license.

-Well, did you love any of them?
-All of them. Every one of them.

The good and the bad.
It's a shame to waste all that prime beef
on a guy serving three to five in prison.

You two keep in touch?
-He's kind of a lousy letter writer.
-Lousy bank robber, too.

You have anything for a toothache?
Latest thing in miracles: heroin.
One of these painkillers,
and a chaser of whiskey:

Four hours of joyhouse!
Have you tried this heroin yourself?
Mister, I tried everything
except confession.

Even God wouldn't believe it!
