Dog Day Afternoon

I'm not homosexual.
Tell them to get that right.
That's going out on the TV.

What am I supposed to do? I can't
control what they say on television.

What should I do? I'm doing
everything I can, I can't do that.

Forget about it. It's just a freak show
to them, anyway. It don't matter.

Whatever they say don't matter.
It'll be all right.
What's the matter with you?
You shouldn't let something like that
spoil your fun.

You have to get fun out of life.
Where's the god damn jet?
They're always screaming overhead,
going somewhere. . .

. . .when you don't need them, you know?
What are you going to tell
the pilot when you get on the plane?

You have to know, right?
Holland's pretty good.
-They sheltered people during the war.

They're good people.
