Dog Day Afternoon

Take a walk.
Give me him.
Think I'm an idiot?
Take a walk, cop!
Everybody is a con man.
I want everyone across the street.
I want them all back,
on the sidewalk!

Let's go!
At least I know
who I'm dealing with now.

Here's a pen for you.
Come on!

Don't move, okay?
Here's your document.
-You've got to sign it!

We're taking off.
We're going now.
Sal! Where is he?
That's it, we're going.
Here, people, let's go!
We're going.

-Can I get my sweater?
-Get what you had when you came in.

How are you doing?
We're going to do it, right?
We're going to do it.
You got to keep your eye on him.
He's the driver.

-I need it.
-No, it's mine.

You got to keep
your eye on him, see?
