Genio, due compari, un pollo, Un

Did you like the show?
Good. That makes me happy.

If you be so kind, folks, whatever
you can afford. Right in the hat.

Seems fair to me.
Anything you wanna give, for the
fastest gun on the face of Earth.

- Thanks.
- There you go, folks.

See? Even the wind is
on our side.

Watch the hat. Watch the hat.
Thanks. Thank you. Thanks.
Remember, folks,
you've just seen a risky show.

I mean,
that is for Duc Foster.

Whatever you can afford.
I really appreciated it.
Ah, thanks.
Thank you.
Hey, that 's Tucumcaril!
- This is for your collaboration.
- That 's the cavalry coach!

Bring these horses and take them
to the stables. Give them water.

After they're ready,
you can have some fun.

Right, sir.
The Wild West.
Oh, boy!
Forgive the reception, sir.
We've been expecting a group
of young ladies...

to work in the brothel house
and the boys made a mistake.

The mistake was made
when you were elected sheriff.

Don't you see that I'm a Colonel?
For your information, young man...
