Genio, due compari, un pollo, Un

I'm here to perform
an act of justice.

There he is. That 's him.
- "Thou art the man."
- Now you are an informer, huh?

You've been touched
by the grace of God.

Isn't that so, my son?
- Admit it, you've been touched.
- I've been touched.

Is it in here, my son?
Check it carefully, Father.
When I found you half dead on the
desert, why didn't I leave you?

'Cause you never
double-cross a friend.

It 's all there.
Thanks be the God.
- Thanks be the Joe.
- Just think of it.

The man before you
was already far away...

free and clear...
when, like Paul
on the road to Damascus...

he was struck by
God's Heavenly light.

Burnt with remorse,
he returned...

his heart heavy with despair
for his vicious, misspent life...

in sin and shame.
- Who's he talking about?
- You.

Me? Why...
But his noble gesture
would have remained unknown...

had it not been for the testimony
of this gold Christian soul.

Father, I only did my duty
as a faithful son of the church.

- Son of a bitch.
- But when the prodigal returns...

there's a rejoicing
in the Heavens above.

On our knees
we're bendlng

Now the wrong prodlgal
Turns to the
rlghteous way
