Genio, due compari, un pollo, Un

A ray of the rising sun touches
the tops of the highest mountains...

so they seem to be
bathed in blood.

The peaks throw long shadows
down into the boundless valley.

And in the clear blue sky,
a hawk glides...

wide and easy.
- A whistling wind?
- No.

The wings clipping the air.
What 's that?
That 's horse's lopes.
And now...
from behind the rocks, appears
the figure of a man on a white horse.

He's the ancient ruler
of these lands.

The shadow of a dead king
reaches out for a fleeing man.

His silhouette is dark against
the red circle of the sun...

ringed with the halo
of eagle-feathers like...

...rays of light.
- Oh, yeah?

It 's your old man.
And he's looking for you.

My old man never had feathers.
I'm a white man.

I got a sunburn face,
but you can always tell a white man...

by the color of his ass.

What 's wrong
with being an Indian?

So your father's got feathers
and your mother was white.

So what? Black, white, red,
what difference does it make?

- We are somebody's children.
- I am the child of a white woman.

She was so white the other girls on
the whorehouse called her the ghost.

I'm not bragging,
I'm just getting the facts straight.

And what I've told you
is all I know.

I'm a lone wolf.
I don't run with the pack.

And do you know why
they call me Steam Engine?

'Cause I got fed up, I jumped the train
and ditched the whole crowd.

That 's right,
ditched the whole tribe.

"Man who gallops
on fire horses."

You got it far enough.
Come on!

Yeah, and you reached the end
of the road, Steam Engine.

- You crazy? You're gonna fight?
- Not me.

We're in the end of the track!
- What 's happening?
- Jump! Jump!

