Genio, due compari, un pollo, Un

Well, well.
With the proper...

trousers and boots...
a little spit and polish
here and there...

- Well, what do you think?
- I think he's fine.

So do I.
Then there's no doubt about it.
They will shoot you.

Say it again, Bill,
keep saying it.

We are not ordinary people,
Major Cabot. We're Americans.

I know you know that. You've been
saying it over. The instructions.

God damn it, I'm fed up to
the teeth with this clowning.

You get to the fort,
you pass yourself off as Pembroke...

and confiscate
the US$ 3OO, OOO. Then what?

Then what? Then if they haven't me
strangled up, I head due East...

as fast as a jack rabbit
to where you're gonna meet.

If Cabot gives me an escort,
you're gonna stop the coach...

shove the gun into my Adam's apple,
and say, "Don't move or I shoot!"

- Go on.
- But if there's no escort...

you don't shove anything at me,
we beat the hell out there...

and live happily forever after
on a beach on the Sandwich Islands.

- That 's fine.
- Perfect. What are you sour about?

That would do, Michelangelo.
What am I so sour about?
Look at him!

You think, for a minute,
he's gonna pass for a cavalry man?

And you think, for a minute,
you're gonna pass for a Colonel?

That 's what I'm saying!
They won't even let us into the fort.
They'll eat us alive!
