
What greasy wop food?
My doctor's got me on carrot juice.

There's a Pan Am flight 51 6
arriving at LA International...

at 4:30 from Panama City.
That man will be on it.

The Federal people have asked us to put
a tail on him and place a tap if possible.

-Who is he?
-Suspected Arab terrorist.

-Jesus. What's he after?
-They don't know.

What is he? A spic or a camel-jumper?
He uses the name Yussef Karim.
I don't know,
all of them Arabs look alike to me.

-Join a march, Louis.
-See what I got to put up with?

You picked him.
How's your girlfriend?
She's terrific.
I think I'll have Vice bust her
on Christmas Eve.

I'll put her in with all those
penned-up bull dykes...

and give them a present for the holidays.
What the fuck are you laughing at?
You're really something, you know that?
You really are.

You're the only Roman Catholic
who goes to confession...

and doesn't have anything to confess.
You're a goddamn saint, John.

Get out of here.
My partner here, he's got a slide
he wants you to look at...

of Leo Sellers and the Hollinger girl.
-I don't want to look at it.
-Doesn't want to look at it.

I take your word for it.
So Sellers had a number going
with a suicidal teenager, so?
