Les Innocents aux mains sales

Still, I like your idea there.
Wormser was an alcoholic.
His wife and that guy kept him drunk...
Then, knock him off
to live happily ever after with his money.

Yes, but if the writer is involved...
why did he borrow the car?

That wasn't smart!
Maybe he just got scared.
We've got to find this Marlo,
interrogate him.

I'm going to call the police station.
Then we'll have that drink.
Julle darllng, It's so stupld,
forgot to warn you about the money belt.

It was full of bllls and jewels.
I'll put It In a safe place
untll I get back In a day or two.

Everythlng went well, just llke I sald.
He came on board
and gave me a bloody nose.

That's all he was able to do.
Wrlte me as soon as you can
and tell me everythlng.

P.O. box Menton. I love you.
Jeff, my love, my darllng...
Everythlng Is golng well.
The pollce came to see me...

...but they don't suspect a thlng.
Hurry back, please.
I'm golng crazy wlthout you.

I love you, I love you, Julle.
Hello sir.
- Have a seat.
- Thank you.

I would like the balance
in my husband's account, Mr. Wormser

Certainly, Mrs. Wormser.
I assume it's a joint account?
