Love and Death

And now I take your place.
I will teach you to walk like me.
I have a great walk.

With the emperor out of the way,
all that remains is to kill Don Francisco.

That will destroy His Highness'
stupid dreams of a treaty with Spain.

Then I'll sail to Austria,
and form an alliance with the crown.
Not the king, just the crown.

They call me mad,
but one day,
when the history of France is written,

they will mark my name well.
Sidney Applebaum.
We're here to see the emperor.
Who is calling?
- Who? Oh, that's droll!
- Droll, yes.

He's not familiar with the list of
the hundred most important Spanishers.

It is only Don Francisco and his sister.

Yes, the Donessa.
We have an appointment with Napoleon.
Napoleon Bonaparte.
The noted international tyrant.

- You are Don Francisco and his sister?
- Oh, for sure.

- We have had a long... a hot journey.
- A hot journey.

- Our throats are parched.
- They're parched.

- We seek succour. Succour.
- Succour!

Yes. Is Succour here by any chance?
I never knew your name, madam.
The boys usually just call me Juanita.
The emperor appreciates
magnificent women.

- He'll be much taken with you.
- Oh, good! I wore my flats.

We are, of course, all most anxious
to hear your proposal for a treaty.
