Monty Python and the Holy Grail

lt doesn't matter.
Tell your master that Arthur
from the court of Camelot is here.

ln order to maintain
air speed velocity...

a swallow needs to beat its wings
43 times every second.

- Am I right?
- l'm not interested.

lt could be carried
by an African swallow.

An African swallow, maybe,
but not a European swallow.

- That's my point.
- I agree with that.

Will you ask your master if he wants
to join my court at Camelot?

But then, of course,
African swallows are nonmigratory.

So they couldn't bring
a coconut back anyway.

Wait a minute. Supposing two swallows
carried it together!

No, they'd have to have it on a Iine.
Simple. They just use
a strand of creeper.

-Held under the dorsal guiding feathers?
-Why not?

Bring out your dead!
Bring out your dead!
- Here's one.
- Ninepence.

- l'm not dead!
- What?

- Nothing. Here's our ninepence.
- l'm not dead!

- Here. He says he's not dead.
- Yes, he is.
