
But I'm easy
Yeah, I'm easy
Take my hand
and pull me down

I won't put up any fight
Because I'm easy
Want to learn how to say
something in sign language?

How do you say "I love you"?

Well, you could say...
Shorthand for it is...

This is shorthand.
Or you could say, "I,"
you could say, "love you."

- "I love you"?
- Mm-hmm.

Or you could just say,
"I'm happy I met you."

- I'm happy I met you.
- Right.

Say you want me
I'll come runnin'

- Without takin'time to think
- Phew.

- How can you smoke those things?
- 'Cause I'm easy

- It's easy.
- Yeah, I'm easy

- [Continues]
- Let me have a drag.

- Do you smoke?
- No.

Well, what do you want
to do that for?

Yeah, I'm easy
Give the word
I'll play your game

- Doesn't look good.
- No?

- Mm-mmm.
- So what?

Because I'm easy
- Tom, I have to go.
- Oh.

Can't you just call him,
tell him you're hung up?

No, I can't.
- Couldn't you stay another hour?
- No.
