Picnic at Hanging Rock

[Door opens, closes]
I hope you have learned
your poetry, Sara.

Sit up straight, child.
Hold your shoulders back.

You're getting
a dreadful stoop.

Well, have you got
your lines by heart?

Well, have you?
I can't.
It doesn't make sense.

You little ignoramus!

Evidently you don't know
that Mrs. Felicia Heymans

is considered one of the finest
of our English poets.

I know another piece
of poetry by heart.

It has ever so many verses, much more
than "The Wreck of the Hesperus."

Would that do?
What is the name
of this poem?

"An Ode to St. Valentine."
I'm not acquainted with it.
Where did you find it?

I didn't find it.
I wrote it.

You wrote it?
"Love abounds,
love surrounds..."

Oh, no thank you, Sara.
Strange as it may seem,
I still prefer Mrs. Heymans.

Give me your book and proceed
to recite to me as far as you have gone.

Your book, please, Sara.
Thank you.
Go on.
I can't.
Not one line?
I shall leave you now, Sara.
I expect you to be word perfect when
I send Miss Lumley in in half an hour.

Otherwise, I'm afraid
I shall have to send you to bed

instead of letting you stay up
until the others return from the picnic.
