
Well, that's fine for you.
No, you have different skin
than me.

All right, I'll try it.
- Do you think George is a fairy?
- Who?

That kid. The hairdresser.
Well, I don't know for sure.
He is a hairdresser.

Thank you, Mona.
Maybe he's just kooky
and likes kooky things.

Maybe. Why do you ask?
I'm thinking of investing.
But he worries me.

Maybe he's flighty and irresponsible.
That's why I asked if he was a fairy.

I don't know. He's a hairdresser.
You suggested it.
Think it's a good idea?

- Yes, but I thought, you know...
- What?

I thought you were indulging me.
You indulge me.

No, doll. I listen to you.
If the deal doesn't make any money,
that's not too bad. If handled right.

He's a nice boy.
I invited him tonight.

Just sorry he's a fairy.
What do you think?
Doctor Feldman says it's normal.
What's that?
Postnatal frigidity.
But with me it's really...
This guy expected me
to jump into bed.

I've got to feel something
tender or whatever.

- I must know somebody.
- George, line two.

Line two, George.
Hi. I'd like to, Jackie, but
I told you to stop by the shop.

Chicken salad.
