Starsky and Hutch

- Don’t shush me.
- Calm down.

Don’t tell me to calm down.
What are you wearing?
Real quick. Be honest.

What am I wearing?
Silk flowered shirt and a vest. Why?

- That’s gorgeous.
- You sick son of a bitch.

Don’t hang up. Don’t hang up.
God. Some people.
I’m not gonna be able
to fit in my uniform tomorrow.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Is this the way you two
always treat your witnesses?

Well, that depends. If it’s a misdemeanour,
we’ve been known to skip the fondue
and move right to the foot massages.

Wait a minute.
I think that’s police brutality.

- Anybody for some coffee?
- No, thanks.

- I’m OK.
- OK, one for /"e chef."

Wow, this place is great.
Let’s see...
Yeah, it serves my needs.
It’s cosy, homey.

- Hutch, can you help me find the sugar?
- It’s in there.

No, Hutch. Help me find the sugar.
- OK. Pardon me.
- OK.

- How we doin’?
- Great.

- Your fondue put us over the top.
- Really?

Which one do you like?
Cos we’re gonna stick to this.

- I’ve always had a thing for blondes.
- Good, cos I’ll take anything.

They’re both such sweet angels.
Now, in two minutes
I want you to grab my guitar,

bring it out to me, put it in my hands,
and then step back.

- You play?
- Just bring me the guitar.

Wait. Hey, hey. Where’s the sugar?
Don’t think I have any.
- Come here.
- You’re so funny.

It’s a magpie convention in here.
Thank you, Big Earl.
D’you ever get scared out there,
on the streets?

Yeah. I’d like to say no,
but the truth is I do sometimes.
