The Eiger Sanction

I understand a new Pissarro
has come onto the black market.

I'll just have to live without it.
Your fascination with paintings
has always amazed me.

You have how many now?
- Twenty-one.
- Marvelous!

I should think your collection
would be interesting material...

...for the Internal Revenue people.
How does an underpaid professor
buy rare paintings?

Masterpieces worth millions.
A professor with a balance of...
...$2,137 in his checking account?
You forgot the $0.42.
I wonder what the tax people would say
if I revealed how I made the money:

By killing people for the government.
True, but of course,
no one will believe you.

More importantly,
it won't do anything for your paintings.

What do you think would happen to them?
I imagine they'd be seized and...
...auctioned off,
made available to everyone.

Perhaps Mr. Pope
would be able to buy one.

Won't it do your heart good
to think of one of your paintings...

:15:19 Mr. Pope's hands?
Dragon, you have a talent
for describing the indescribable.

There are two assailants.
Our research division has located...
...only one of these men in Zürich.
C-2 is working on the second one...
...and I hope they will have identified him
by the time you arrive in Zürich.

We have reason to believe
that the Zürich man...

:15:45 responsible for the assassination
of several of our agents...

:15:49 a most savage manner.
I'll take one sanction, only one.
All right.
We shall talk about the second sanction
when the time comes.
