The Eiger Sanction

- Don't hurry.
- That's why I'm taking it nice and easy.

- You won't recognize the place.
- Hope I live to see it.

That city life has spoiled you.
You ain't a pansy, are you?

Stop this death trap, and I'll show you.
What's so funny?
I was thinking of the last time we climbed.
You had to haul my ass
down that mountain.

That's liable to turn out to be
one of my bigger mistakes.

- Still do any climbing?
- No.

Nothing a piss-ant couldn't hop over.
I ain't a climber. I'm an impresario.
An impresario.
That's what they call me.
That ain't dirty, is it?

Could be.
When did this all happen?
About two years. What do you think of it?
I know, it's so frigging ugly,
it makes me sick.

But it keeps me in moccasins.
I've been taken over
by the swinging singles!

What happened to the climbing school?
My guests are more interested
in hunting than they are climbing.

Thought the whole point
of climbing was hunting.

Damned if you ain't right.
This is really interesting.
It looks like I'll make it through the winter.
Two brews.
Not bad.
Not bad at all.
I think I like the old place better.
More character.

Character and unpaid bills!
I'm glad to see you!
Dealing with these phony bastards...
