The Eiger Sanction

About a month ago.
They're good. They've got
a lot of hills behind them.

Any of 'em walk with a limp?
Who in the hell could climb with a limp?
No, wait a minute.

The German was limping.
Said he hurt himself in a fall.

Freytag, he's a funny guy.
Makes noise like a leader.

Family makes bug spray. Has a lot
of money, but doesn't like to talk about it.

Anyway, he's got the look.
What look?
The look of a guy you couldn't
count on in a clutch.

I wouldn't want to count on him
on that hill.

- What about the Frenchman, Montaigne?
- He's all right.

I think he's a little too old for the Eiger.
He's about your age.

Screw off.
I'd rather screw Montaigne's wife.
She's a real brick shit-house.

Wait'll you catch her act.
She's a regular mantrap.

I feel sorry for the bastard,
trying to keep his eyes on her.

Yeah? And what about the Austrian?
You'll love him.
Meyer doesn't give a rat's ass
about anything except climbing.

All the people I talk to say
he's the kind of climber like...

:59:04 you used to be.
Before I got decrepit and weak?
You didn't look so decrepit and weak
yesterday, punching out that wrestler.

This Meyer's really something.
He killed a guy once.

A porter on a climb was stealing
some food.

He killed him with a knife.
Isn't that something?

Sounds like a real charmer.
Listen, John.
If you got to rope yourself to anybody
on that hill, make damn sure it's Meyer.
