The Fortune

Is she sick again?
Up in the saddle.
The monthly.
Oh, the monthly.
The mousy's bedtime.
The mousy's what?
That's what we call it.
My mother, when I was a kid.
Now, this takes me back.
She used to have me run down
to buy mouse beds, she called them.

So, I wouldn't be on to what they were
and get embarrassed...

which later I definitely did refuse to do it.
But then she'd say:
"Run down and get me
a box of little mouse beds, honey bug."

"Mouse beds"?
Yeah, in the funny strips, you know.
You've seen it.

The little mouse in his red coveralls,
and his little hole in the wall...

with a lot of little mousy furniture.
And even a little bitty radio set...
the size of your fingernail, you see.
And a mousy little bed that he sleeps in.
You've seen it.

And she pointed this out to me:
"Lookie there, Oscar...
"at the cute little creep mousy
in his mousy, mousy bed.

"Go down to Fatool's and get your mud...
"a big box for the little mousy
to lay his head."

You didn't wonder what the hell
she was doing with all these mice beds?

Because women are afraid of mice.
You know that, don't you?

No, I didn't wonder.
