The Fortune

You think I've been breaking my hump
for nothing, you bastard?

You gonna come up
with so much as a peanut?

- I'm the husband in the case.
- Zero!

You ever heard of community property?
I just consummated the whole thing.

So there's no loopholes.
You take me for a moron?

I know my rights.
Maybe I wanna go to Europe, too.
The shoe's on the other damn foot.
I'm getting a funny feeling that money
is all anybody cares about in this room.

That's not true.
The minute I know someone's lying to me,
I stop feeling for them immediately.

Please don't give Nicky any crap now.
- You don't love me. I can tell.
- That's right. He doesn't.

- Will you shut up?
- Face the facts.

Leave me alone!
You're trying to kill me!
I'm gonna call the police!

I don't care what happens to me!
Do you hear me?
I'm gonna call my daddy on the telephone.
I'll tell him everything
you've put me through.

And I hope they throw us all in jail!
Go ahead! Go on ahead!
For all you put me through!
You bastard! You sons of bitches!
I hate you!

I hope you'll never ever
gonna get anything from me.

I'm gonna give it all away first.
I'm gonna give it all away!
I don't care who gets it.
I'm gonna give it all to charity!
You've made my life a perfect hell!
I don't care what happens to me!
Now let's not go off half-cocked now,

Don't talk to me.
- Because, Momsie...
- You're half-cocked.

...nothing has changed here. You know that.
You liar!
So just calm down,
and stop behaving hysterically.

Don't talk to me.
I'm gonna get on a train.
