The Fortune

Is it all right?
Oh, my.
Ask Nick if you don't believe me.
Well, it's going to improve. That's my goal.
And anyway,
I just adore trying various recipes.

What's this, dear?
In a way I'm just loving it...
because it recalls my old doll house days...
when I was just a little baby girl
and I used to spend hours...

pretending to serve tea.
Well, you're still Nicky's little baby girl...
aren't you, my little mud pie?
Oh, you're so je ne sais quoi...
I could just eat you.
It's sticky.
Don't eat it if you don't want to.
Really, if you don't like it,
because I'm not that way.

Oh, no, I like it, it's just...
Is it supposed to be kind of slithery?

I really don't know.
I know, these are eggs.
I'm so happy.
Isn't this fun for a change?
You have to admit.

Oh, yeah, honey.
I just feel so relieved...
now that I've decided what to do
with that damn money of mine.

You know, I was trying to recall
some of these charities...
