The Man Who Would Be King


Ootah say, ´´You, you no Iike?´´
TeII him we´ve given up strong drink
untiI we´ve conquered aII his enemies.

BoiI them once or twice in hot water...
...and they´II come out
Iike chicken and ham.

You wouIdn´t know them from the
Gaiety Chorus.

-Ootah says, ´´Take your pick.´´
-He does?

Oh, teII His Majesty one´s prettier
than another. I couIdn´t choose.

Take as many as you Iike.
There are more where they came from.

He has 27 daughters.
They´re his daughters?
His own daughters?

-Dirty oId brute!
-Different countries, different customs.

Mustn´t be prejudiced, Peachy.
TeII His Majesty we´ve aIso taken
a vow not to daIIy with femaIes...

...tiII aII his enemies
are vanquished.

He has 32 sons if you´re Iiking boys.
TeII him he makes my gorge rise!
HoId on, Peachy, he´s onIy being
hospitabIe according to his Iikes.
