The Man Who Would Be King

We´re gonna teach you soIdiering,
the nobIest profession.

When we´re done, you´II be abIe to
sIaughter enemies Iike civiIized men!

But first, you´II have to Iearn
to march in step...

:54:16 the manuaI of arms
without having to think.

Good soIdiers don´t think,
they just obey.

You think if a man thought twice,
he´d die for his country?

Not bIoody IikeIy!
He wouIdn´t go near the battIefieId!

One Iook at your fooIish faces...
...teIIs me you´re going to be
crack troops.

Him there with a 51 I2 hat size
has the makings of a bIoody hero.

Timing in the British Army
has aIways been: ´´One, two, three.´´

One, two, three.
Say after me, ´´One, two, three.´´
Wait. Ready, steady, go.
One, two, three.
One, two, three.
Say it at the same time as the others.
TeII him to say it at the same time!

Right. Go!
One, two, three.
One, two, three.
BiIIy, teII him to say it
with the others!

One, two, three. Right.
Now ready, steady, go.

One, two, three.
No! He´s saying it
before the others, BiIIy.

Not before them, not after them,
with them!

Right. Attention!
No. You, Iook....
That one goes to there! Say that one
goes to there! That´s it!
